installations, China

Being invited to lecture in China was perhaps the greatest honor I've received. Travelling for nearly four weeks allowed me to assemble these works with found materials between the southern beaches and Inner Mongolia. 

Each title is from the opening words of a chapter in the I Ching

darkness within darkness

working yet not working

emptying hearts 

untie the knot
Tsing Tao 

hold fast to the center
Kun ming

valley spirit
liao ning province

detached, thus at one with all

deep in the heart         Chengdu

wealth and titles  Nanjing

are you able to do nothing?

usefulness from what is not there/ the gang of four
 Heilongjiang Province

high winds do not   last all morning            Harbin

Finishing my lecture "Art in Business and the Business of Art" at a university in Harbin, I asked for questions to be written down and passed to the front of the room

The first one I unfolded read:
"If you were to make a perfect piece of art, could you give it away for no money?"
That slip of paper is one of my most cherished possesions

Lao Shin Temple is reached by  granite steps that take 90 minutes at a steady climb.
Coming down is much harder.
And worth every step. 

My artists' statement is followed by my artists' query

    ...There are no truly bad artists ... except for con artists. ...

What one thing would you attempt, if you knew you would not fail?